November 27, 2011

No One Could Describe Today, Neither Do Words.

I had a sleepover last night. As in, my friend was the one who came to stay at my place. We had talked too much until I can't take it, and at last I had to sleep around two AM. And that was horrible. A good thing my parents didn't know about that. If not, they're gonna freak out! JK :)

Today went on as the usual Sunday-routine. I went to church and I danced for the first time in this church! Well, not first. I did dance our traditional dance here, but that was not enough. Hehe.. So today, they called me again and I did the honor of dancing for the LORD. Hallelujah! 

Not that I tell them it wasn't enough for the traditional dance to be shown, but yeah. It's been my passion for years now you know? And that's how we are when we just can't stop doing something. Especially if it's our heart's concern. 

This part can't be left out.

Our church leader (or something, people call him with different titles nowadays) thought us about the Christian ritual today, baptism. Touched, I was encouraged too much by The Word. Thank God *Amen*

I dance today, I sang too. I hung out with friends, we ate food that never lets us go hungry. 


She's my auntie, and she's born on December, five months after I was. Whatever :)

Baking time. Bye bye :)

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