February 05, 2012


Not much. Like I promised, pictures from Chinese New Year holidays. Here you go!

For me, this was the yummiest roti canai in Kuching.

So the above are pictures of my visit to Techno-Graphic Studio, a place where we can find many engineering tools and stationery. I (of course) was stunned by the beauty of so many amazing things shown inside. It does not only promotes engineering stuff, from room decors to various celebrations preps are here! This was an amazing place to refer especially to those who love colors and cute decors. Seriously speaking.

Here are some more add-ons, by my sister and me. I bought two new things yesterday while waiting for my brother to finish his tuition exams, but I accidentally deleted the picture of my new PJs. Well it's pink-and-grey, and full of Hello Kitty chops everywhere.

Drawings I do at school.

Pink, both of them.

This is not because of Valentines Day but, I can't wait for 14th of February! Good night.

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